Data for All BLOG

Training module Better data access for Asset Management

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Coordination meeting

Coordination meeting sept 23rd.

Kjell Are

Kjell Are Berg-Hansen have joined UiS and the Eigersund Pilot.

Meeting in Egersund

Data for All meeting in Norway

June 10-13th there will be a project meeting in Norway. 26 participants have accepted and will stay in Sandnes.
On Tuesday June 11th we will have a tour to visit our pilot. We start at Svåheia which is a development area, continues to Berntsen in Egersund that recently have had a major expansion. There we will hear from municipality about their requirements and processes for companies that want to expand.
We will continue to shrimp production in Sirevåg and return to Sandnes.
Wednesday June 13th we will be at University of Stavanger where there will be presentations from two companies and collaborative work with all work packages in the project.

Meeting with Egersund kommune

Meeting at Bryne

Meetin in Emmen

All Data4All partners met in Emmen

Data for All