Data for All Say hello to the Future

InterReg NorthSea project. 2022-2025

Norwegian partners are University of Stavanger/CIAM and Eigersund Næring og Havn.


About the Data for All project:

Summary of pilot

Eigersund municipality via Eigersund Næring og Havn (ENH) together with the UiS is planning to develop a data strategy which will define a municipal data-centred business support model around sharing relevant data, for example on Smart Energy Grids and logistical capacities, between public authorities and local businesses or industry. The data is already there, it has however not been made available to private partners yet. ENH plans to establish an eco-system around a centralised digital service for data sharing and utilisation.

What is the challenge?

The municipality possesses a substantial amount of data, but it has not yet been shared with private partners and companies. Moreover, there is a wealth of public information that could be beneficial to both the municipality and local companies, but currently, it is not readily accessible. For many companies and entrepreneurs seeking new locations, it is crucial to examine economic, demographic, and infrastructure data of potential sites before initiating new activities. Similarly, the municipality needs to assess the potential impact of new establishments on the local economy, environment, and community.

How does Data for All help?

The municipality of Eigersund and the University of Stavanger aim to develop a platform that offers the following benefits: The platform will provide access to public information from various sources, making it easily accessible and continuously updated. It will offer a mapping feature that allows users to view and combine strategical information conveniently. Users will have the opportunity to view and simulate the potential consequences of various decisions. The envisioned platform will function as a digital twin. This means that it will provide an interactive experience, offering insights for data-informed decision-making processes.


The following were developed during the Data for All project automation-unleashed-transforming-product-development-for-the-modern-team_670d05e6.pdf

Data for All